Thriving through life…
In 2009, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS), and it has been a crazy ride since then. To be honest, it was crazy before then but I didn’t know what it was. I had always known something was not quite right. Having navigated multiple reproductive issues as a result, and more ups and downs than necessary, I have been through the whole gamut of confusion, diagnosis, trial-and-error, learning, experimenting and managing this syndrome. It has been a roller coaster, but one that has given me more than it has taken. And for that I’m thankful and determined to make it easier for one more person!
This is one of the reasons why I created this outlet. I want more women to push against the comfort of ignorance, learn more about their bodies, understand the impact of hormones on our overall wellbeing. We deserve to thrive despite all the complexities and frustration that comes with PCOS and related hormonal issues.
I regularly share my thoughts and insights, and resources that I have found helpful. I also facilitate conversations around doing the inner and outer work to being your best self. This is mostly targeted at women, moms and aspiring moms. But I promise, there’s something for everyone.
I’m always happy to connect with fellow “cyst-ers”. So welcome, feel safe here and let’s support each other!