This one is for my Ladies... and the Guys who get it!


It’s March 8th! I bet your email inbox is full of all kinds of corporate branded IWD messages talking about Accelerating Progress and what they are doing to drive the Investing in Women mandate for this year. Make no mistake, I love it! I absolutely love it! The fact that we are at a time when it is a civic duty and responsibility to not just recognise women but to champion our rights, is great! And the way this day has evolved over the years is a beauty to behold. I love that we are raising a generation of girls who are growing up to accept this as a norm, and not having to answer questions like ‘why do women deserve their own day every year?’ and working up a smart witty answer to defuse the tension. You know what I’m talking about.

So while I focus on the progress society has made, I also hold space for the thought that women’s rights still have a ways to go in certain parts of the world. And while we fight for equality EVERYWHERE, I would like today us to pause and think beyond our bubble of privilege, whatever that may look like. Today I am asking myself what I need to change or add to my life to be one of the women that embody the kind of leadership we want to see in the world.

Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.
— Serena Williams

Last night I attended a gala for the Women of Distinction awards organised by the YWCA of Hamilton and Halton in Canada. It was an amazing night with great music, food, a fun silent auction, some fundraising and most importantly recognition of women who had made a difference in the community. One thing that kept ringing in my head all through the night was - we are so good at celebrating ourselves in our spaces! Over the years I have attended a lot of women-focused events - professional and personal, corporate and religious, globally-focused and community-based. And the one thing I know is that when women are in a safe space and feel free, we are GREAT at affirming ourselves and giving flowers to whom they are due. I belong to a mum’s group on one of the social media spaces, and the sheer number of women posting about dealing with loneliness, isolation, burnout, being overwhelmed with life, is alarming. So last night I was thinking, why is it a struggle to push through when we are in mixed spaces? Why don’t we expand this vibe regardless of where we are or how formal or informal the gathering is? Why do a lot of women know that empowerment networks exist in the community but are in dire need of a support group at the office? Why do we have one-off nights when we celebrate our uniqueness, diversity and fun, but struggle to find a group of supportive moms to hang out with socially and have our children bond?

A high tide raises all ships. So why do we struggle to do it all, when we can do it together?
— Mae

I am a firm believer in authenticity and bringing your whole self to every aspect of your life. So I committed a while ago to be the person another woman needs - the friend, listener, sounding board, and ally. However, I cannot do this for every woman I meet everyday. And there are so many social nuances to wade through on a practical basis. So I thought I could create a safe space to affirm and reaffirm women; a place where they could simply log in to, to remind themselves of who they are, out things in perspective and learn that they are not alone in whatever struggles they are facing. Now, when I am having a great day and I want to share some of that joy, we can also fall back on this space and this community. The sky is big enough for all of us, and I have never seen a place where women gather that does not end up fruitful, productive and more beautiful.

Introducing Re’afemme - a dedicated space to help reaffirm the woman that you are. Yes, you! We are launching on Instagram today; and the website will be up in a couple of weeks. Show up here for your regular dose of validation, reaffirmation and support. I hope we can build a healthy community - just the one that YOU need, whatever that may look like for you. Follow on Instagram here.

At the bottom of this post, I have linked previous posts where I interviewed some amazing women who are crushing it in various aspects of their lives, telling us how they do it! I hope you find something that works for you, and keeps the lights not just on, but burning bright! I am pretty sure another woman needs your light!

Happy International Womens Day!